

Quality Statement

This Quality Policy Statement of KANAS TRADING FZE is the principle objective to assure that all products and services provided fully meet our contractual obligation in terms of quality promises, cost and program. KANAS aims to conduct all services in a manner that facilitates sustainability and provides opportunity for new and existing clients. Furthermore, KANAS improves its quality by monitoring, measuring and enhancing the Quality and Procedural System.

Implementation of the Quality Policy is the responsibility of every member of staff, starting with the President of the company, who takes policy decisions that enable the correct action to be implemented throughout the organization. The President also acts as the Deputy of Quality and as such is responsible for maintaining the implementation of the Quality Policy, along with the Quality Manager. KANAS would anticipate receiving the same high standards of quality and professionalism from our suppliers and sub-contractors in order to ensure that our highly respected reputation is at least matched if not exceeded by our suppliers and fully qualified and experienced sub-contractors.

All employees of KANAS are not only required to comply and contribute to the provisions of the Quality & Environmental Management System but are encouraged to embrace the fundamental attributes of the system and incorporate it into their everyday activities. Managers are responsible for ensuring that their workforce is instructed in, understand and comply with these requirements.

It is mandatory that all staff adhere to the procedures in order to achieve a consistent approach to Quality Assurance.

If you have a question which has not been answered here, or you have other inquiries please email ator use our contact us form.

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